More Than Meets The Eye - The Fashionably Broke
the fashionably broke, style blog, fashion, blogger, dc

More Than Meets The Eye

If you've been following our Instagram, you've seen that for the past week I've been drinking FUZE® Iced Tea drinks, not only for refreshing hydration but for a good source of nutrients as well. FUZE® is a combination of delicious Iced tea, natural fruit flavors and vitamins B6 & B12. FUZE® Iced Tea is good on it's own, but add natural fruit flavors and it’s even better, add in some vitamins and you’ve got the best!

As a part of their More Than Meets The Eye campaign, I sat down to reflect on all that lies beneath the obvious in my life and unveil the unique combinations of me. Personality can never be defined by one thing and I think it's so important for us to embrace all that makes us who we are. Like FUZE®, mixing always gets the best results!

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Not only do I stand in front of the camera, but I enjoy being behind it (maybe) even more. I've had a strong interest and passion for photography for over ten years now. To be honest, I would take my own photos if I could!

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I started playing with hair styles and colors as a young teen and never looked back. Over the years I've been blonde, brunette, long and short. I even had a bob once. I don't know if I'll ever be able to settle on one hair style (or color for that matter), but for now I am enjoying testing different things out. The ombre hair trend has really been the ideal situation for me because I haven't had to choose just one hair color. It will be a sad day for me when I decide to stray away from it.

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I love love and am a total romantic, but I could never live without my girlfriends. I think it's important to find the balance between maintaining your relationship with a boyfriend, or husband, and best friends. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it! And I like to think I do an okay job of it. I enjoy staying home, cooking dinner and watching a movie equally as much as I love a night out dancing with the girls.

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And last but not least - Clearly, I love fashion. But I'm not always able to express it as much as I'd like. I'm a business analyst in the telecom industry by day, and a fashionista blogger by night. Who knew, right? It would be nice to be a full-time fashionista but I take my career just as seriously as I do all the fun I have writing this blog!

So, I think I've summed it up pretty well - Photographer/Photo Subject, Blonde/Brunette, Bestfriend/Girlfriend and Fashionista Blogger/9-to-5 Chica are the combinations in my life that make it so "me." What are yours? I'd love to hear them!

FUZE is a refreshing combination of Iced tea, natural fruit flavors and vitamins B6 and B12. It’s a perfect mix of ingredients, just like you. FUZE. Never just one thing.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by FUZE via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of FUZE.

Jun 24, 2013


  1. I love how you keep it real, Natalie. Thanks!

    Sarita W.

  2. Such a sweet post :) And so true ! There's two sides to every story / piece of us.. ^^

    Indie by heart
    (GFC is shutting down - follow me on Bloglovin')

  3. Love these different sides of you. I've been meaning to write an "about me" post for a while. Carlis' and I are working on it. Loved this ... great job! Kiss


  4. love this! you did such a great job...
    Xo, Megan,

  5. Love these looks girl and seeing these sides of you!! Great post.
