DIY american flag shorts - The Fashionably Broke
the fashionably broke, style blog, fashion, blogger, dc

DIY american flag shorts

american flag shorts tutorial

see the full outfit post here!

1. Supplies: Jean Shorts, Star Stencils (we used Simply Stencils), Painters Tape, Red + White Fabric Paint (we used Simply Spray), and a Paint Brush (a foam brush works well)
2. Chose your denim wisely. I used a pair of jeans i picked up at a swap shop and cut and frayed them myself. I've already been getting questions on how to fray denim, so I am working on a tutorial post, but i can tell you now that i just use a fork!

3. Place a peice of newspaper inside the shorts so that no paint bleeds through on to the back side of your shorts.

4. Spray the fabric paint on to another peice of newspaper, enough to coat your paint brush over and over. Apply paint to your foam brush, and using your stencil, paint on your stars in white.  Make sure to hold down the stencil (or even tape it down) to ensure crisp edges.

5. Tape off the right side of the jean, one stripe at a time, and paint on stripes with the red paint.  Make sure your tape is firmly attached to the jean to ensure crisp edges.  (I can't stress this enough. I messed mine up the first time because my tape wasn't attached well enough, so I sprayed the entire right side red and applied white stripes once the red had dried entirely.) Also, make sure to tape off the pockets, belt loops and waist band.

6. Let it dry!

7. Have a Happy Fourth of July!

Image via What I Wore

Jul 3, 2012


  1. these are so cute N!!! you did such a great job :)


  2. That looks so awesome! I also made one for myself. I'd be happy if you check it out :)

  3. I love. SO simple and easy!

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