Culebra Things - The Fashionably Broke
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Culebra Things

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Before I left for this vacation, I spilled my guts to Erika of the concerns and anxieties I was having. Concerns and anxieties of going on a tropical vacation? I know. But, I haven't really traveled all that much and truly just love the safe feeling that home gives me. Being in a unfimiliar place, trying out new things and really testing myself was a big part of this trip, besides all of the cold beers and beautiful scenery. One piece of advice that Erika gave me, that really stuck with me the entire time, was that travel is good for you. It forces you to experience things and experiences makes you grow. She couldn't have been more right.

I faced quite a few personal fears on this trip. And now comes the embarrassing confession sesssion - I'm scared of flying, I hate the dark and the ocean kind of gives me the creeps too (that's a lot of water). On our last trip to Culebra, I sort of had a terrible time snorkeling. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't help from giving myself mini panic attacks in the water (over various things like sea urchin, sharks, sting rays and again, all that water). But this time I told myself that my anxieties weren't going to hold me back! I snorkeled and I had a BLAST. We saw huge sea turtles and even a sting ray! I also flew on a very. tiny. plane. Despite my natural instinct to just tell my boyfriend, "hell no." I really let me self go and enjoy being in a different place rather than stress myself out (which is something I struggle with doing) and, even though these seem like small things, I have never felt more proud of myself.

I really had the best time and I'm glad didn't let my fears keep me from enjoying my time in Culebra. It helped me grow a bit and Erika was definitly right, it was good for me. Besides sharing some of my favorite shots from our trip, I really wanted to keep it real with you guys, in hopes that even just some of you can relate and could use a bit of Erika's advice. :)

Sep 9, 2013


  1. This. Looks. Awesome.
    So jealous girl, you look so relaxed and happy!

  2. I'm glad you were able to get out of your comfort zone! Flying and water still terrify me, but if I have to do it I have to do it. Well, not the swimming part, but I can lounge on a boat under an umbrella with the best of them.

  3. Your pictures are beautiful! And the dark totally creeps me out too!

  4. Culebra is absolutely beautiful! I'm glad you were able to get over your fears and allow yourself to truly enjoy the experience.

  5. Culebra is absolutely beautiful! I'm glad you were able to get over your fears and allow yourself to truly enjoy the experience.
